In American politics today, the two major parties compete intensely for influence and support from voters. Each side uses a variety of tactics to get their message heard and to gain an advantage. But which one do you prefer? And how do you vote? Consider these two-pronged questions when deciding which way to go:
What is wrong with liberalism? At first glance, many Americans would say that our country is “liberal,” with a strong emphasis on individual freedom and a strong government role in society. However, the far right wing has long used the “conservatives” label to attack the liberal elite. Whether or not we like it, this division within our political parties has been essential to the shaping of our politics and our culture.
What’s wrong with modern liberalism? Over time, as our nation has evolved and become more diverse, the social liberal/left has pushed conservative ideas and social policies down the agenda. Many in the modern liberal generation were raised in homes where there was little emphasis on liberal arts, and most grew up with a sense of social Darwinism, with little concern for the fate of the human race or other fundamental questions of nature.
Which side are you on? Modern liberals claim that humans are inherently progressive, and that democratic governments are the best way to promote progress. On the other hand, social progressives and democratic politicians promote economic fairness and community development. While both groups believe in the fairness of opportunity, they have different ideas about how to get it. When it comes to politics, a lot rides on your political orientation.
Are you a conservative or a progressive? There is no one way to describe political ideology, but there are some broad distinctions. Conservative politicians tend to favor business over the public good, a strong military over a free economy, and a strong national defense over high taxes. Progressive politicians are concerned about economic inequality, environmental protection, gay rights, reproductive freedom, immigration reform, and many other social issues.
How do progressive and conservative views differ? The two political ideologies draw their ideas from a number of sources, including classical liberal philosophies, modern classics, and more. Most progressive thinkers consider themselves radicals because they want to change society from the top down, while conservative thinkers generally see themselves as classical moderate.
Are politics and economics separate? No, they are intertwined. Progressive thinkers look to social democracy, freedom of speech, and a strong sense of individual freedom, while conservative thinkers look to a strong military, strong borders, economic prosperity, and limited government. When it comes to politics and the economy, we are a nation of two minds, a moderate stance on the social issues and a hawkish stance on the military.
Where do we stand today on the political spectrum? The democratic left holds the centre-left position on most issues. The centre-right believes in business and free markets, economic fairness, and a strong safety net, while the extreme right wing holds anti-immigrant sentiment, the rejection of gay marriage, and religious and ethnic intolerance. The centre-left and centre-right hold differing views on social issues, but lean towards social democracy on most issues.
How do progressive and conservative think alike? Both progressive and conservative use various forms of political propaganda to promote their cause. Most of the conservative media outlets are owned by large corporations and are thus politically motivated. Most progressive media outlets are non-profit, which makes them more independent of corporate interests.
Why is there only one-party state when it comes to politics? One reason why there is only one-party state is that the left will not support a one-party state, since such a state does not benefit the left in any meaningful way. Progressives would prefer a fully functioning government with a strong economy, strong infrastructure, and scientific and technological advancement. The only way to achieve this type of state is to have a vibrant democracy. A democracy requires a constitutional form of government, freedom of speech, a strong constitutional church and public education.
What are the differences between conservative and progressive viewpoints on almost all issues? The major difference between progressive and conservative views on most issues is that progressive views are much friendlier to capitalism than being conservative views. Progressives want to see capitalism improve, and also want to see it develop more slowly. In addition, many progressive thinkers are also Keynesians, believing that full employment and adequate protection for the welfare state are important. The other difference between these two groups of thinkers is that while conservatives want to see markets operate in the best interest of the majority, progressives want to see markets working to protect the interests of the minority.
Why are most Democrats and most Progressives in favor of social change over economic inequality? The biggest reason why most progressives are against economic inequality and wealth accumulation is because they believe that everyone has the right to live in a fair and equal society. They also believe that everyone should have access to economic opportunity. By providing an equal opportunity for economic success, it gives everyone the opportunity to advance in life. For those who support economic equality and social change, it is important that everyone has access to economic opportunity and a relatively equal level of wealth.